Thursday, July 7, 2011

Twilight (twilight saga 1)

Title: Twilight (twilight saga 1)
Author: Stephenie Meyer

In my defense I read the four Twilight books, because every girl around me seemed to like them, because they were selling them like crazy and because  a movie was about to be made. Twilight was becoming a phenomenon and I wasn't going to be the one who knew nothing about it.

Anyways, Twilight's first book is not that bad, it's only really bad for vampire fans because  the vampire image is distorted for them when the Cullens are portrayed as  shiny "vegetarians."

I can get why teenage girls would go crazy over it. Edward Cullen is nothing short of a Greek god   but he's also a tortured soul who even though he can have any girl he wants he  falls for a plain, clumsy  girl. Well, isn't that what every girl dreams of no matter what age? You can say that he's also a purist and that i believe also plays a role in the obsession of teen girls and moms with him.

It's written well, meaning that you won't get bored as you read through it. Of course the book has more things than the movie, and it's better. I know the book is always better than the movie, but that's not always true with the Twilight series.

Official Book Description:
An electrifying debut novel of a young woman's love for a vampire.

My Rating:

3/5 Stars

The book is OK, but i am not its intended audience, and honestly I'm not that OK with having them in my library because I am not going to read them again. If i loan them i won't want to discuss them after. I'll probably give them to a teenage girl who by some miracle will still want to read the Twilight series even though the movies are out.

Get it for a teenage daughter, sister, or friend. They'll enjoy it if they like to read something even if the movie is out. But if it's a gift, this book has been circulating largely and if they don't already own it, maybe they have had borrowed from a friend. 

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